
Article Marketing Tips - 3 Ways to Get Seen By the Public

So, you have gotten started in your online marketing career. If you're anything like me, you see the car led lights power of article marketing. It's one of the most powerful ways to market, it's free and consistent once things start rolling. A writing career on the internet, can make you feel INSANE for thinking that little ol' you will be able to be seen. It certainly seemed that way for me.You CAN be seen by tons of people out there on the net. Yes you can be seen, even if you are completely BRAND NEW to this.When it comes to your writing, there are Three main things that you have to focus on. Before we give out those three areas, I want to say one thing first.HAVE FUN!People don't want to hear moaning. Creative complaining can have it's place if you have a good sense of humor, but for the most part you want to stay extremely positive.Like most people have experienced, there are a few people that I try to avoid in my life. Not because I hate them, but because of the gray cloud that follows them around. You know the about these kinds of people. You see them walking toward you, and know that if they see you, you are going to have to join them under the dark cloud. Everything in their life sucks and they want you to know about it.The first thing that would go through my mind when I would see this "guy" coming my way is, "Where is my Magic Smoke Bomb?" If only I still Android Phones had my invisibility powers!No body wants others to see them in this kind of light. When someone see's your face, you want them to be thrilled to see you. It can be the easiest thing in the world to do. All it takes is to be genuinely interested in what other people have to say. Then, decide that you are going to take everything lightly, see the humor in things, and make it easy for everyone around you to do the same.Let's get back to those areas that are going to give you the traffic.First, understand your target market. Who is that? Every single year, there are THOUSANDS of Home Based Businesses starting up in the U.S. alone. Along with that, there are 175,000 people coming online for the first time EVERY WEEK. You are familiar with the percentage of failure with the average person that get started with a Home Based Business right? 95 to 97%.That means that there are thousand upon thousands of people that are looking for solutions to similar questions, such as.."What company is right for me?""How can I make the Company, I am already in, make a profit for me?""Is it possible to make a retirement on my own?"Personally I know that there are 3 general areas of interest for EVERYONE in this situation. You'll know I'm telling the truth, because you'll see that you have interest in the same things.1. Promising Companies2. Successful Leaders that have helped others make money.3. Tools that can show you how to leverage your efforts.There are new start-up companies every single week. There are more and more people every day that are interested in how a company can help their financial situation. (Even though your company needs to be good, it is not the answer to your problems.) I personally get a lot of great information from Npros.com to find out about the new companies that are getting attention. It really helps a lot. You can get a ton of traffic by being the first person to cover a new business that has some attention.Let me metion the leaders aspect of this. Every time you hear about an individual that has "Cracked the Code", or "Found the Secret" to making a huge income from home, we want to know more! The fastest way to learn something is from the individual who is doing it right, and doing it well!Tools are always attractive, because they show us that there are easier ways to do things that take a long time. I personally have only a few tools that I use regularly and they give me GREAT results. Wouldn't you like to know what they are? Of course, and that is what I mean by it being a subject of interest to others. Most of the people out there are the same. Give the info on the training and tools that people are looking for, and you WILL get attention.I hope this has helped you, and don't forget....ENJOY YOURSELF...and others will too!

